Inbreeding depression

美 [ˈɪnbriːdɪŋ dɪˈpreʃn]英 [ˈɪnbriːdɪŋ dɪˈpreʃn]
  • 网络近交衰退;近交退化
Inbreeding depressionInbreeding depression
  1. The genetic basis of inbreeding depression cannot be explained by means of simple model .


  2. Inbreeding depression is common in the world , but its mechanism is not clear .


  3. There were significant differences in inbreeding depression between the families or mating parents .


  4. Inbreeding depression may result .


  5. When considering inbreeding depression , the population genetic diversity will be reduced and the extinction probability will be increased .


  6. Inbreeding depression in yield was obvious , while that of pods / plant and seeds / plant not too large .


  7. Reduced vigor or " inbreeding depression " is not an invariable consequence of inbreeding .


  8. Compared with other ways of population improvement , Mass selection can not only preserve genetic variance within populations , but also prevent from inbreeding depression .


  9. Detail analysis suggests that the inbreeding depression might occur during the period of seeding and adult stage or of flowering and seed filled stage .


  10. The results show that the correlation coefficient was too low to infer the relative level of PRPG from the degree of inbreeding depression . 4 .


  11. The production of weak offspring as a result of selfing , inbreeding depression , may be hard to distinguish from late-acting SI systems .


  12. The use of Chinese cultivars offers a new strategy for persimmon breeding by overcoming inbreeding depression , and has the potential for progressing the breeding of new PCNA cultivars .


  13. The high intrapopulation variation and low interpopulation differentiation could explained that the different populations might originate from the same one and genetic drift or inbreeding depression had not influenced primary process of genetic diversity .


  14. This suggests that , in future theoretical and experimental studies , there is the potential need for measuring these values ( migration rate , within-deme inbreeding depression , genetic load etc. ) in demes of different ages .


  15. The average heterosis of F2 over mid - parent based on population mean was - 1.99 % to 1.11 % for all these traits . It suggests that little inbreeding depression exists for F2 and F3 seeds .


  16. Pollen discounting reduces a selfers ' success as an outcross pollen parent , i.e. lowering automatic selection advantage , and inbreeding depression is expected to reduce any advantage selfers might gain through reproductive assurance or automatic selection .


  17. Unfortunately , most of the population are declining with several species even to threatened or endangered due to habitat loss and environment pollution . When considering inbreeding depression , the population genetic diversity will be reduced and the extinction probability will be increased .


  18. Results indicated that inbreeding could cause the depression of immunological vigor as that of growth and disease resistance .
